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UPDATE: In which we talk about the Ford meeting as if we were there

by Jeremy Hooper

   According to all accounts of the big gay group/ Ford meeting held yesterday in D.C., the automaker stuck by the story that their decision to pull ads from gay magazines was strictly business, and they continued to deny that they struck a deal with the American Family Association in order to keep the anti-gay group from throwing a homophobic shit fit. HRC president Joe Solmonese does, however, tell the AP that the Detarbron-based carchitects did say "...they felt a need to respond to their Southern dealers and their Southern dealers were very concerned about a boycott."

What their Southern-based marijuana purveyor has to do with any of this is beyond us, but whatever; your dealer has an issue, you must address it promptly.

The gay leaders have reportedly asked Ford for a number of queer-friendly things, and Ford will respond to their requests within the next day or two. Will the response keep a boy who likes a boycott at bay? Stay tuned.

Gay groups ask Ford to reinstate ads [AP via FortWayne.com]
Results of the Ford meeting with gay groups [AmericaBlog]

BACKSTORY: Should we push our 1989 Ford Aerostar van off a cliff? [Dec 1]
Is Ford dicking us over? The plot thickens [Dec 5]
Is Ford selling us out? [Dec 6]
In which we blow up our Mustang [Dec 7]
It's not only Ford who's watching [Dec 7]
All Ford, all the time: GLAAD removes link to Jag/Land Rover-related promo [Dec 7]
Professionally gay to meet with professionally Ford [Dec 12]

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