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Wisconsin Senate to consider marriage-banning measure; we've already considered it and, quite frankly, it reminded us of week-old pig vomit
The Wisconsin Senate will vote on a proposed gay marriage amendment tomorrow, where, just as it did last year, it is expected to pass. If it does, in fact, receive the go-ahead in the Senate and then gets another majority of 'ayes' in the House, the bullsh*t would then be put before the state's voters this November. And we all know how well those referenda tend to go.
Some are encouraging their Senators that an 'aye' would be a vote for discrimination, while other, more misguided folks are telling the lawmakers to support the measure in order to "protect marriage." We, however, would like to take a more rational approach and simply say to the legislators: If you vote in favor of this, God will cancel Christmas.
Senate Committee Approves Gay Marriage Amendment [AP via WFRV.com]
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