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You can't win 'em all: 'Concerned Women' pass us over

by Jeremy Hooper

Picture 8-12

Eeeee...begin fake smiles and clapping...<clap, clap, clap> must pretend to be happy for winner in case camera is on us... <clap, clap, clap> hold it, hold it...<clap, clap, clap> don't let them see your disappointment....<clap, clap, clap> just a little bit longer....<clap, clap>...and we're clear...

How did the bloody hell did we not win?!?!?! We dedicate an entire section to these ladies and this is thanks we get? We've mocked their every gay-unfriendly move, and yet they have the audacity to snub us? Our publicist's head is gonna ROLL.

Well you just look out, Concerned Women for America -- as your campaign to eliminate homosexuality from society marches into 2006, we promise to up our "pompous" levels to heights previously unforeseen. After all, we are right, and you are wrong. Your "pro-marriage, family, and life" campaigns are nothing more than cleverly masked antipathy for things you do not understand, phrased in terms that paint you as the morally superior and your opponents as God-less heathens hellbent on destroying society. We will convey this point with an arrogance that will leave you no choice but to name us as your 2006 Princes of Pomposity. Grandiose self-importance, your embrace is now our life focus.

CWA Announces 2005 Prince of Pomposity Winner [CWA]

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