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'B'back' boys nab four Globes, secretly pine for Oscar

by Jeremy Hooper

   It was a big night for our Brokeback boys last evening, with that little "gay cowboy film" picking up four Golden Globe Awards, including the big enchilada prize, Best Dramatic Picture. In fact, with the exception of Best Supporting Actress and Best Actor, the film won in every category in which it was nominated (Director, Orginal Song, Screenplay). This being the case, we'd just like to say congratulations to Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger for completely ruining the night.

We kid; congrats all involved on a job well won!

**CORRECTION: We neglected to mention that the film also lost out for Best Score. However, we really don't think we can be blamed for this oversight, as we just took it for granted that the boys' first hookup scene was undeniably the "best score" of the year. Our mistake.

'Brokeback' wins top Golden Globes [Reuters via Yahoo! News]

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