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Cali teachers say 'no' to gay rights poster; 'Hang in there, kitty' okay for now
Five teachers at San Leandro, California's San Leandro High School are reportedly refusing to follow a school board-mandated policy requiring that they hang a gay rights poster in their classrooms.
As folks who post about gay rights, we'd like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank the teachers for not following through with our ordered in-class hangings.
That is what this story's about, right? Eh, we're too lazy to find out; though if you'd like to clear up your own misconceptions, the link is below.
Teachers won't put up posters on gay rights [SF Chronicle]
**UPDATE, 1/26: San Leandro High principal says report that teachers would not comply with policy is false...School denies flap over gay signs [Daily Review]
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