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Fall into the Gap between decency and Westboro
Is it just us, or have Gap ads really lost their way? We didn't LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the last one they did with Sarah Jessica, but this one's just terrible. You can barely see the merchandise, the subject is off center (and not in a hip/artistic way), and "God Hates Fag Enablers" really doesn't inspire us to run out and purchase boot-cut denim.
Try harder, Gap.
***Editor's lawsuit avoiding note: For those who aren't familiar, this is not at all a Gap ad, but rather the latest pic from Westboro Baptist Church's protests of soldiers' funerals, in which a WBC member happens to be wearing a GAP sweatshirt. Though if you thought this was an actual Gap advertisement, it's very possible that you have no brain. That being the case, you probably have no clue what I'm saying right now, so I'll just stop talking and let you obtain a cerebral cortex. While you're at it, get a few new ones for Westboro, too.
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