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Kupelian & Bennett to jointly preach to choir

by Jeremy Hooper

      'Mo foe David Kupelian (l.) and "ex-gay" radio host Stephen Bennett (r.), both staunch critics of Brokeback Mountain, will join gay cowboy flick-decrying forces this afternoon when Kupelian serves as a guest on Bennett's "Straight Talk Radio" program.

Not to be outdone in the film-denouncing fun, we will today be appearing on "Queer Chat Podcast," where we will discuss the "ton of kids agenda" behind Cheaper By the Dozen 2; the pro-Aniston vibe of Rumor Has It; the activist pronouns in Yours, Mine, and Ours; the "ch" can sound like "k" advocacy found in Munich; and the fact that though Fun with Dick and Jane implies enjoyment with the simply-named duo, we found ourselves less than thrilled, borderline bored.

No word on exactly what Brokeback-centric topics Kupelian and Bennett will be discussing, though we have a feeling that pondering exactly how fierce Anne Hathaway looked in her rodeo get-up will not be on their agenda. She did look good, though.

Kupelian exposes 'Brokeback,' 'gay rights' [WND]

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