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Two stations choose to not affiliate with 'Daniel'
As the American Family Association continues to denounce the yet-to-debut NBC comedy "The Book of Daniel," word has now come out that two of the peacock net's affiliates have decided to pre-empt the show when it premieres this Friday. Neither KARK-TV in Little Rock, Ark. or WTWO-TV in Terre Haute, Ind. will air "Daniel," though only the Arkansas affiliate cites AFA-inspired "viewer feedback" as a reason for its episodic restraint, with the Indiana station claiming its decision can be attributed to problems with network-affiliate relations, not "pro-family" pressure.
No word on why folks can't wait and actually see the show before deciding it "demeans the Christian faith," though we think the fact that passing judgement on things they've never taken the time to get to know is rule one of the "pro-family" playbook, might have something to do with this "we hate it, pull it, burn it, bury it, just air the Passion of the Christ on a continuous loop" attitude.
For now "The Book of Daniel," queer characters intact, is scheduled to debut on NBC tomorrow at 9/8c. Be sure to catch it then, while you still have the opportunity.
Two NBC affiliates throw book at 'Daniel' [Reuters via Yahoo! News]
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