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Unsatisfied with merely making his own consumer choices, Hutch reveals national boycott plans

by Jeremy Hooper

  The Rev. Ken Hutcherson (pic.), who you might remember from his somewhat successful attempt at forcing Microsoft to last year withdraw support for a Washington state gay rights bill (though the company later reversed their decision), is back in discriminatory action again, indicating that he will this year encourage folks to boycott not only the house that Gates built, but also Hewlett-Packard, Boeing, Nike, and other companies who recently signed a letter encouraging support for the gay discrimination-banning measure. Hutcherson indicates that he will make the official boycott announcement this Thursday on the Focus on the Family radio program, meaning you'll have to wait two whole days to see exactly which companies deserve our respect and business, as well as which "pro-family" vocabulary words Hutch will utilize to try and convince folks of the opposite.

Our money's on "gays are destroying the moral fabric of America" -- these folks LOVE that one.

No word on why, exactly, Hutcherson feels that it's his place to extend his pulpit to national consumers, rather than just keep it confined to those who choose to visit his house of worship and voluntarily subscribe to his anti-gay beliefs, though we promise to let you know once we discover the unfortunate root of his misguided audaciousness.

Pastor calls for national boycott of Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard for supporting gay rights bill [AP via San Diego Tribune]

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