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"Day of Truth" folks capture uncanny knack for mislabeling bullsh*t on digital video

by Jeremy Hooper

  In an apparent effort to make their annual "Day of Truth" -- a school day in which students are encouraged "to counter the promotion of the homosexual agenda and express an opposing viewpoint from a Christian perspective" -- more accessible to the youngsters, the Alliance Defense Fund has released a new video touting the "benefits" of their gay-unfriendly endeavor. Featuring sleek editing, a rapper that sounds like a poor man's Eminem, a bizarre story line about a carrot-topped teen who is supposed to be gay/questioning/ homophobic/who the hell knows, and quotes from a "former homosexual" and a "former lesbian," the little vid is like something that could air on MTV, if MTV were programmed by duplicitous extremists hellbent on ridding the world of "the gay." Seeing that MTV is quite fond of the queers, the propaganda piece instead airs on the "Day of Truth" website, alongside other resources designed to promote a school environment in which "Smear the Queer" is made into a varsity sport.

If you'd like to check out the campy little nugget of unintentional humor for yourself, the moving picture can be found here. Though a warning, my friends: The vid doesn't seem to realize it's a comedy, so it's up to you to determine the appropriate places for laughter. But like a "former homosexual" once said to his new girlfriend: it's really not that hard.

"Day of Truth" video

*UPDATE FOR 2007: Watch this video regarding the this "truthful" day!

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