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NYC: Equal Benefits Law ruled invalid; melting snow ruled annoying, just go away already
An on-again, off-again NYC law requiring companies that do more than $100,000 of business with the city to offer equal benefits to the partners of gay employees, was struck down yesterday by NY's highest court (pic).
Relatedly, a rule that required anyone that scored more than 100,000 points on an XBOX 360 game to offer up his/her spot on the futon and give someone else a turn, was ruled "f**k that" by NYU's highest court (pic).
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn vowed to keep fighting for the equal benefits; the NYU students agreed that "what would really taste awesome with these nachos is a root beer... ooh, dude, no -- a root beer float. Yea, that's what I want, a root beer float. Can we get one of those delivered?"
Court Rules Against Council's Equal Benefits Law [NY1]
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