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AFA decries Wal-Mart for carrying 'B'back'; Only Products With Which AFA Approves R' Us still in good graces

by Jeremy Hooper

   Our ol' two step pardners at the American Family Association are now attacking Wal-Mart for deciding to stock the Brokeback Mountain DVD when it hits store shelves April 4. Saying the film is not "family-friendly," AFA's Randy "I once accused Walgreens of supporting the Gay Games merely so they could increase sales of their HIV drugs" Sharp tells Agape Press:

"It's quite obvious to anyone who shops at Wal-Mart that they're no longer the family-friendly company that they used to project in their image," says Sharp. "We've seen a downward spiral trend by the Wal-Mart Corporation in which they are more and more becoming like the world rather than the family-friendly company we grew up with."

How dare they become like the world!?! It must be sorta like when retailers started removing "colored" signs from their restrooms and water fountains in order to keep with the times. Not that we're saying the stocking of Brokeback on Wal-Mart's shelves deserves parity with de-segreagation in terms of societal impact; we're merely saying that this spinning orb evolves and adapts, no matter how much folks resist. Mr. Sharp's right -- the first Wal-Mart stores wouldn't have carried Brokeback. However, they would've likely mocked and scoffed at the love between any interracial couple that entered their store, as interracial marriage wasn't fully legalized until five years after the company's founding.

But we digress.

No word on why AFA can't just NOT BUY the DVD, the approach they surely take with Wal-Mart's kd lang CDs, sexual lubricants, Teletubbies merchandise, The Energizing Hanukkah Story for Children books, Cosmopolitan magazines, Bill Clinton autobiographies, "L Word" DVD boxsets, or any of the more than 1000 products that come up when one searches the retailer's website for the word "gay." For that answer we turn to that age old question: "If an American Family Association member carries out a moral conviction in their own heads, does it make a sound?"

Pro-Family Group Rips Wal-Mart for Promoting Brokeback [Agape]

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