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Asking, telling, co-sponsoring: 114 opposed to 'DADT'

by Jeremy Hooper

   With the announcement that Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has signed on to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," the number of Congress members now openly opposed to the military policy has reached 114. Additionally, a new Pew Research poll shows that a majority of Americans from diverse political and social perspectives support the right of gay soldiers to serve openly (62% of moderate Republicans, 85% of liberal Democrats, 67% of Catholics, 58% of Southerners, etc).

So what does this mean for the flawed military policy? Well, we are certainly no soothsayers, but it would seem that the days of soldiers extending their camouflage to cover their internal truths are happily numbered. Here's sincerely hoping that in the very near future, a soldier's "Sir, yes sir" answer to their superior's inquiry of "Does your partner enjoy white wine?" will merely elicit a "Great, my wife and I we'll see you at our place at 7:30," rather than a "That was a trick question, 'mo -- pack your bags, former soldier."

More Lawmakers Sign On To Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" [SLDN]

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