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Correcting misrepresentation one militant/radical hijacking at a time
From an Agape Press piece on the Soulforce Equality Ride, in which they quote Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel:
"When people like Mel White and his group Soulforce decide to make a very political, highly publicized event -- and not simply to come on campus but to make a political statement as they are doing with this so-called tour across the country -- I believe it's the right of private universities and colleges to exclude their entry into the university or college area," Staver says.
Last year, the Liberty Counsel spokesman notes, students at Liberty University greeted peaceful Soulforce members amiably with cookies. But now that the group has initiated its "Equality Ride" to protest Christian schools' enrollment policies barring homosexuals, he says the militant gay activists should not be allowed to disrupt these campuses or turn them into a platform to promote their radical agenda.
This year, Soulforce appears to be "trying to hijack the civil rights movement by suggesting that they are somehow aligned with civil rights by taking this nationwide tour and then making a very political, very confrontational attack on Christian schools and universities," Staver asserts.
From actual reality, in which we let the pictures do the talking, we give you the Soulforce Equality Ride:
For the benefit of future quotes and reports from Mr. Staver and Agape, respectively, we now give you the definition of:
To pointedly clarify the way in which "pro-family" folks routinely try to paint homosexuals in a negative light, we now define:
To drive the point home -- a militant, confrontational, radical hijacking:
Soulforce Equality Ride:
Disagree with their message all you want -- but don't be foolin' in order to serve your own interests. Seriously, you "pro-fam" guys are becoming like "the boy who cried militant." One day there really is gonna be some crazy madman out to do something scary, and you guys are gonna be like "Help, this nutty loon is out to get us --AAAH," and we're gonna be all like, "Uh-huh, yea whatever -- you mean he's just asking for respect and not to be condemned by you guys. We know the way you kids throw out those fright-inducing words in order to rally folks via a campaign of fear. We're calling your bluff, sillies." But the man really is psycho, so he comes to your offices and eats all your cheese. You'll then be cheese-less and shaken up, all because your earlier misuse of certain terms led to inactivity by a suspecting public. You don't want that, right? You wanna keep your cheese. Who doesn't?
So yea, stop misleading; both your credibility and your brie depend on it.
Legal Expert: Christian Schools Should Not Welcome Militant 'Gay' Activists [Agape]
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