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'Ex-gay' questions possible HIV prevention pill; we question his snake oil
In a press release decrying this week's announcement that tests on an HIV prevention pill have been promising and the pill may become a reality, professional "ex-gay" Stephen Bennett had the following to say via press release (snarky response to his misspelling, our own):
"As a heterosexual man who once engaged in homosexual behavior for 11 years, I've lost numerous dear friends to AIDS. While recent news in the search for a cure for AIDS is promising, I believe this possible HIV prevention pill is only going to push a culture down an already dangerous and risky path. This pill is the equivalent to a drug rehab assisting heroine (sic) addicts...
[pause to mock the above error]:
[continue quote]:
...in their addiction by giving them needles. What is wrong with this picture? Why can't these intelligent scientists and doctors understand we need to educate people on abandoning their risky, unsafe sexual practices and behavior--not give them a pill to enable and encourage them?"
Continuing the sentiment, Bennett today chatted with Concerned Women for America's Martha Kleder and Robert Knight, where the threesome further painted the possible breakthrough in a negative light, taking the stance that homosexuality is intrinsically and spiritually wrong, so the only sort of prevention should be abstinence. A sampling:
KLEDER: Bob, it almost sounds like a homosexual male's version of the morning-after pill
KNIGHT: That's a great analogy, Martha. I think it does. I agree with Stephen, it sends the wrong signal, it's says you can go ahead and have dangerous sex and we've got this pill now, so there's a good chance you won't get HIV. And they don't tell them about the syphilis, gonorrhea, the damage to the body that can occur because of the misuse of the body. And of course just the deadly spiritual damage of continuing to engage in behavior that God says is wrong. They have to deny reality constantly to continue to engage in that behavior. And that's why you see so much substance abuse among homosexual practitioners because they have to ward off their conscious, they have to knock it back with alcohol and pills because deep down they know what they're doing is wrong
Stephen then takes the "change is possible" "ex-gay" perspective, as the three preach from their ultra-moral plane of judgement, illusion, and false compassion. It's all quite disturbing, and you can listen here if you want (***NOTE: Bizarrely, the piece has been removed from CWA's main page).
But here's an idea for Kleder/ Knight/ Bennett/et al: Why don't you guys f**king stop fostering an environment that marginalizes homosexuals to an ultra-stigmatized degree and allow them to more easily develop the same sort of monogamous relationships that their heterosexual pals take for granted. Besides the standard issues that can arise from sex, straight or gay, the ills do not come from the homosexual relations themselves; they come from promiscuity, high-risk situations, multiple partners, anonymous encounters, etc. And though you three and your fellow "pro-family" practitioners will deny it, the impetus behind some gay folks exploring such avenues of enjoyment is partially due to your intolerant actions. You tell someone they are lesser than, deviant, and immoral from birth -- there's a good chance they're gonna believe it. There's a far greater chance that one who doesn't live in an arena that will allow them to legally settle down with one partner will spurn the idea of monogamy all together. Folks who don't feel comfortable or even safe in mainstream culture will seek solace in alternative venues. Now, not that these situations and environments are necessarily bad or wrong, and everyone is entitled to their own choices in life. But when you work so diligently to completely cut out the option of "boring, married, devoted spouse" for anyone who is gay, how can you not expect the balance between monogamy and promiscuity to be slightly askew?
HIV is a reality for all of us, straight and gay. So are gay people. No, stop with those claims right now Stephen -- gay people exist. It's time you guys start dealing with reality and work WITH US to ensure everyone's safety.
Towards the end of the piece, Bennett misspeaks, saying, "Yea, you know, pretty soon we're gonna see a Rite Aids (sic) pharmacy or some kind of pharmacy strictly for homosexual individuals with their drugs..." It's frightening how easily we can imagine that AIDS might be something Stephen finds to be in the "RITE" more than he does your humble scribe's monogamous love with his one true soul mate. Now don't get me wrong: I ABSOLUTELY believe he wants AIDS gone; but his actions and words are sadly much more vocal on the idea of my true self's eradication.
HIV/AIDS 'Prevention' Pill? A Tragic and Irresponsible Message [Christian Communications Network]
UPDATE: Okay, not to be conspiracy theorists, but we have to wonder why this piece has been pulled from CWA's main page:
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