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Go watch, don't Stahl: '60 Minutes' airs fantastic piece on nature vs. nurture
Last night's "60 Minutes" had a fascinating piece on the nature of sexuality, analyzing pairs of twins in which one of the siblings is 'mosexual and the other is 'rosexual. The program doesn't provide any definitive proof that hormones and genetics are the likely explanation for homosexuality, but the case it makes for biological linkage is certainly a strong one:
(Click to watch)
*UPDATE: Malcontent now has the full clip.
Of course there will be those who think it unfair that the show did not present the "pro-family" side's position that homosexuality is a choice, and we'd almost guarantee that the 'mo foes will try and debunk CBS's journalistic ethics within the next few hours/days. We'll call them on their bull when that time comes; for now, let's just relish the fact that there are rational folks in this world who seem supportive of the notion that if it's a choice, then your humble scribe's zygote had very strong opinions about boobs.
Causes Of Sexual Orientation Still Unknown [CBS5.com]
**UPDATE: Though we still think the piece to be fascinating and good evidence that homosexuality is biological, the expert utilized, J. Michael Bailey, is quite the controversial figure.
More info: J. Michael Bailey [TS Road Map]
Bisexual study, New York Times article cause furor [PrideSource]
However, apart from Mr. Bailey's contribution, the segment does still speak to us as a positive contribution to those of us on the "nature" side of the debate. You be your own judge.
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