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H2homO: Lake of Crystal closer to hosting Games of Gay

by Jeremy Hooper

   The Park District Board of Crystal Lake, IL, last night revoted on the matter of allowing the Gay Games to hold rowing competitions on the body of water that gives the town its name. We're happy to report that with a vote of 3-2, the Board (this time with the inclusion of Jerry Sullivan, who was on vacation when the original show of hands was held) has now corrected its earlier 'No' and given its approval to the Games.

Which is totally cool, as Cubic Zirconia Reservoir totally wasn't gonna cut it.

It remains to be seen if Games organizers will have difficulty convincing the controllers of any other natural resources that their presence won't sully its naturalness; however, we do hear the sand needed for the Beach Volleyball competition is very worried that it might be treated like dirt.

Crystal Lake gives OK to Gay Games [Chi. Sun-Times]

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