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New Hope pushes pride; knew Hope, she was annoying

by Jeremy Hooper

  In an effort to fatten the town's image as a gay destination, New Hope, PA, is reportedly revving up efforts to market this year's New Hope Celebrates (May 19-21), an annual gay pride festival. Last year's soiree drew 3,000 people, and this year they're of course hoping for more.

   Much more encouraging than their neighbors in Same Ol' Pessimism, PA, where we hear they're sorta focusing on attracting folks to this year's downbeat pride fest, but they're sure most won't come, and even if they do it'll probably rain and one of the female impersonators will slip on her 12 inch stiletto, so they're wondering why they're even bothering. They're hoping they can muster enough energy to fatalistically chant, "We're here, we're cynically queer -- get used to it, but you probably won't, so who cares," but they're doubtful they'll be able to pull it all together.

It remains to be seen if either town will draw the big numbers; considering the latter is made-up and ridiculous, we're New Hoping the former pulls the larger crowd.

Gay pride in New Hope [Phil. Business Journal]

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