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Report: Falwell hopes activists... well, fall

by Jeremy Hooper

   "Pro-family" before "pro-family" was cool leader Jerry Falwell (pic.) is reportedly telling the 35 gay rights activists who plan to visit his Liberty University on Friday that they're not welcome on the campus. In a statement to the press regarding Soulforce Equality Ride's scheduled visit, Falwell says:

"Liberty has an obligation to these parents not to expose their children to a 'media circus' that might present immorality in a positive light"

To which we reply, "Don't fret, Jerry -- we're sure the "media circus" will present the immorality of your anti-gay hostility in a negative light. No worries."

The activists say they will continue with their plans to visit Liberty. No word if Falwell will enforce a school-wide lock down to shield the pupils from the hedonistic display of debauched souls, though we'll keep you posted.

Falwell says gay rights group unwelcome at Liberty [AP via DailyPress.com]

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