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Romney officially files 'Protecting Religious Freedom' bill; we say, 'what about religious freedom of Bill/Bill?'

by Jeremy Hooper

   Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney (pic.) has made good on his vow to try and exempt Catholic Charities from having to offer adoption services to gay and lesbian parents, filing legislation yesterday that'd allow them to sidestep the state's nondiscrimination law.

  Inspired, Massachusetts baseball glove Mitt, Catcher's (pic.) has vowed to exempt cat-a-holics from having to allow adoption of their felines by male-headed homes that don't like the pussies.

It remains to be seen if either Mitt's policies will become the law of the land; though considering Mitt, Catchers is tan, fake, and ridiculous -- he actually may have a good shot at the politics thing.

Mass. Governor Proposes Gay-Adoption Bill [AP via Yahoo! News]

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