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Ruling: Berkeley (the city, not Elizabeth) free to deny 'free' to aquatic Scouts

by Jeremy Hooper

The California Supreme Court has ruled that the city of Berkeley has every right to deny free usage of the local marina to the area Sea Scouts, on the basis of the anti-gay, anti-Atheist positions of their affiliated organization, the Boy Scouts of America. But why were they ever granted free usage in the first place, you ask? Well, under a 1997 policy, the city provides free berthing to nonprofits that don't discriminate. However, the city demanded the Sea Scouts cough up some cash for their marina usage, because they were deemed to be in violation of the measure.

Got all that? There will be a test.

It's unclear whether the "C Scouts" -- a group of young outdoorsmen who can't quite manage a "B," but whose grade point average has yet to fall to "D" -- will also be affected by the ruling; however, since we made them up as a way to get out of this ultra-boring post, we highly doubt it.

Justices OK Berkeley's move against Boy Scouts group [AP via MercuryNews.com]

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