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'Sin, sin, nasty -- you're fired' now more unlikely in Cincinnati -- Ohio
The Cincinnati City Council voted yesterday 8-1 to amend the city's human rights ordinance to ban discrimination against LGBT folks in jobs and housing. The lazy, irresponsible, and poor work ethic communities, however, are still on their own.
Responding to the passage, the folks from the so-called Citizens for Community Values announced they're considering a signature drive, where they'd attempt to collect 7,000 John Hancocks in order to put the issue to a vote this fall. Responding to the Citizens for Community Values, we asked, "Hey, do you guys know where we can find the best local deal on condoms? Is the grocery store cheaper or is the drug store the most cost-effective option? After all, ascertaining the best market price for various goods and services in the community is what you guys do, right? Vehemently protesting a measure that only helps protect folks from discrimination is certainly not a righteous, principled endeavor, so your moniker can't be referring to that use of the word "values." So yea, you guys must be designed to help me find the best price for my dollar. Help a brother out -- Trojans at Walgreens or Durex at the Buy & Bag?"
Congrats Cincinnati.
City Council votes to extend gay, transgender protection [AP via Akron Beacon Journal]
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