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Crystal Lake may still host 'mo rowing; Krystal Lake may still host Southern overeaters' wildest fantasy

by Jeremy Hooper

The Crystal Lake Park District Board, who last week voted against allowing the Gay Games to hold rowing events of the body of water that gives the city its name, have announced that they will hold a new vote on the matter tomorrow night. Which means that the most drag queen-sounding body of water on Earth may still get the chance to host aquatic athletes who likely know/ have seen/ are not scared by/ are one. Exciting.

This referendum do-over comes at the request of board member Jerry Sullivan, who was on vacation when last week's vote was held. Since Mr. Sullivan's positive vote would be enough for approval (assuming the rest of the board votes the same way), here's hoping he's not asking for this revote simply because he has a fetish for hearing himself say "No."

New Vote for Gay Games Rowing Event in Crystal Lake [Chicago Pride]

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