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A Senator scorned: Bachmann warns of Minn. men/men marriage
Pissed at the MN Senate Judiciary Committee for their decision to kill her bill proposed marriage ban, state senator Michelle Bachmann says the following to Agape Press:
Republican Senator Michelle Bachmann notes that the defeat of the measure means the state's voters will not have another chance to weigh in on a marriage amendment bill until at least 2008; meanwhile, she says, "This gives gay activists a full two years to work towards redefining marriage in our state." Bachman says through their actions, the DFL state senators have essentially "paved the way" for same-sex marriage in Minnesota.
Commentary & News Briefs (3rd item) [Agape]
But we say: Well actually, Michie...
...the "redefinition" legwork seems to be taking care of itself. Now if those damn construction workers (headed by a former Village Person, natch) would just finish paving the way...
...we'd all be hitching in Minneapolis faster than you can say "Mall of America."
Though Michelle, you are right about it possibly taking until 2008 to finish paving the road to 'mo marriage. After all, Fairness, Decency, and Equality are all on the job, and we all know how SUPER slow those three can be! However, when they get the job done -- AND THEY ALWAYS DO! -- their work is spectacular and we're all the better for it.
So Michie, what we guess we're saying is: You're SO gonna lose this "battle." That being the case, how's about you start helping us pave rather than wasting everyone's time throwing discriminatory bricks? There are, after all, far better uses of your time than working to redefine yourself as the 21st century's Anita Bryant.
**Andy has more...Bachmann's Anti-gay Amendment Defeated in Minnesota [Towleroad]
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