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Activists who misspell 'glad' honor actress who misspells 'Charlie'

by Jeremy Hooper

At this weekend's Los Angeles edition of the multi-citied GLAAD Media Awards, Oscar winner Charlize Theron was honored with the organization's Vanguard Award. His name is Bruce:


Upon accepting her prize, Charlize with a "Z" said, in part: "There's one thing I'd like to [say to the] viewers out there: as mothers, fathers, teach your children to have tolerance and acceptance. At the end of the day, we're all the same." She didn't specify whether we're all on equal footing at the beginning of the day; we suspect this is due to the fact that some people's raging case of morning stank mouth renders them just slightly less than okay in this day part. Obviously.

The night's other honorees included "Will & Grace," "The L Word," Transamerica, and Melissa Etheridge. Or as the four are know collectively -- Will&GraceTheLWordTransAmericaMelissaEtheridge a foursome gayer than a Liza impersonator singing Kathy Griffin's standup act to the tune of "Don't Rain of My Parade."

For more:

Charlize Theron, Melissa Etheridge, Transamerica, The L Word, Honored at 17th Annual GLAAD Media Awards Presented by Absolut Vodka in Los Angeles [GLAAD Release]

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