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FRC calls Shepard's televised tale 'fiction'; weird, as for Lifetime, we find it too tragically short
While chastising Judge Stephen Reinhardt for recently ruling that a high school student's anti-gay T-shirt violated other teens' rights, the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins (pic.) today says in his latest "Washington Update":
Reinhardt substantiates his claim that homosexuals are a persecuted minority, in part, by pointing to Hollywood's Brokeback Mountain and The Matthew Shepard Story - two works of fiction.
To which we'd imagine Judy Shepard would woefully reply, "Uhm. Work of Fiction? My Son's Story? Well. Actually. Uhm. ::sigh::"
Not to mention, Mr. Perkins, we're not so sure making Hollywood allusions would be the wisest route for you to take, as your name's closest connection to the film industry would be...
... to Psycho. Not that we're calling you yourself a "psycho. As for some of your ideas and comments about homosexuals, however -- well, that's another story.
It's unknown for what matter FRC will next condemn Reinhardt; though judging from Perkin's above statement, it seems possible he may next be hearing a case in which Westboro Baptist sues him for stealing their ideas.
From the 9th Circus (3rd Item) [FRC]
Hat Tip: P1Q
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