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In which we pause the frivolity to address a non-joking matter
In doing what we do, sometimes we read a story about an anti-gay incident, and because of our constant exposure to such sentiment and residency inside of an NYC bubble, we just sorta gloss over the true weight of the attack. Such was the case Monday, when we read about anti-gay graffiti popping up at Michigan Technological University during the school's Pride Week. However, after seeing these pictures...
...our bubble of complacency was effectively popped.
No fart jokes or silliness in this post, my friends. Every now and then we have to take a cold, hard look at the grim reality that is still all to prevalent in this world, to remind us of how non-fictional the threat to our existences truly is. This is one of those times.
Stay courageous, MTU students; your spineless, anonymous adversaries will certainly get what is due to them.
Chalkings "an embarrassment" [Michigan Tech Lode]
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