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Rabbi pushes for gay rights at Falwell's school; how do you think that went for him?

by Jeremy Hooper

   When Rabbi Eric Yoffie (pic.), president of the Union for Reform Judaism, defended gay rights and gay marriage yesterday in an address to students of Jerry Falwell's Liberty University, the crowd reportedly responded with "murmurs, hisses and scattered boos."

Coincidentally, our heart-conditioned, alcoholic snake responded the same way.

To his credit, Falwell was said to have told the students, “Nobody ever booed me in a synagogue when I said things opposite to what they believed.”

Which is, of course, because boos are not kosher.

We would, however, like to thank Rabbi Yoffie for once again having our back, especially in a setting where such support was pretty much guaranteed to not receive a standing O. A mensch, this one. Should your push for our ability to exchange vows under a chuppah become the law of the land, rabbi, we sincerely hope you'll be there to "mazel tov!" our glass-shattering occasion.

At evangelical school, Reform rabbi presses tolerance for gay marriage [JTA]
Rabbi Enters Falwell's Bastion And Issues Plea for Tolerance [Forward]
Hat Tip: Yeshiva World

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