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SBC to consider 'eduction devoid of outside thought' measure
Two years after a similar measure failed, the Southern Baptist Convention is once again mulling a resolution that would urge members of the denomination to pull their children from public schools. The proposal, co-sponsored by SBC members Bruce Shorrt and Roger Moran, reportedly cites public schools' continued attempts to "adopt and implement curricula and policies teaching that the homosexual lifestyle is acceptable" as one reason for the proposed exodus.
Because in case you haven't heard -- public schools are basically now homosexual orgies with Number 2 pencils and lunch breaks.
It remains to be seen if the proposal will actually make it to a convention vote. Should it fail, however, we hear Shortt and Moran will next propose that all members simply move to a deserted island where they can just pick and choose whatever realities they'd like to acknowledge or ignore.
Daddy, what's a dinosaur?
Oh, uhm...just a type of French food -- you wouldn't like it.
Southern Baptist activists revive public school issue [AP via Kentucky.com]
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