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Tim Kaine won't place John Hancock on Bill Bullsh*t

by Jeremy Hooper

   Saying he feels it could threaten both "the constitutional rights of individuals to enter into private contracts" and "the discretion of employers to extend certain benefits, such as health care coverage, to unmarried couples," Virginia Governor Tim Kaine (pic.) announced yesterday that he will not sign a bill placing a proposed constitutional gay marriage ban on the state's November ballot.


However, Kaine does technically oppose same-sex nuptials; he's just against constitutional marriage bans. So his sentiment on the issue is basically like the political equivalent of "I'm okay with gay people -- I just don't see why they have to flaunt it." You (or at least we) wanna just respond, "Dude, sitting on that fence is certainly better than hanging out on our opposition's side; but if you'd hop off and come into our yard, our equality-encouaging team in this current civil rights pick-up game would be one man closer to scoring a goal. Plus, isn't that fence uncomfortable? Here, let us help you down."

Despite his lack of signature, however, the bill will still go to the voter's this Fall; however, the Governor is encouraging the state's citizens to vote against the proposed historical black mark. Here's hoping Virginians will heed the call of their gubernatorial leader, enter the voting booth, and say "Oh, Hell no, 'mo foes!" to the heaping pile of legislative dung that a majority of their lawmakers have shat onto the ballot.

Governor Kaine Announces Action on Additional Legislation [Governor's Press Release]

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