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What's #1 for gays to read while they're doing #2?
In a recently released study of gay and lesbian consumers, Consumer Reports made the magazine top ten list for both gay men and lesbians (#4 and #8, respectively).
Never ones to ignore the media consumption habits of our peeps, we'd like to take a second and tell you that "your toaster is really shitty -- you should have forked out the cash for the better one, cheapskate."
CR was the only pub that made the top ten for both the gay men and the lesbians, with Men's Health topping the dudes list and People taking the primo spot for the ladies. Being the geniuses that we are, we'd like to remind you keep an eye out for Good As You's Guide to People Health in the coming months, where we'll try and score the first paparazzi photos of Brangelina's baby, but only so we can analyze the body-mass index of the gossip columnists' wet dream, and offer the little tabloid-ready tyke "6 Simple Ways to Improve His/Her Glutes." "50 Most Beautiful Creatine Powders," perhaps? "Sexiest Squat Thrust Alive." The possibilities are simply endless.
For mo' 'mo media habits, see below.
For gays, the media is the messenger [Media Life]
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