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When raising presidential funds, you gotta stick your whole hand into the pot

by Jeremy Hooper

   According to the Washington Post's Al Kamen, the invitation for a fundraiser honoring Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist -- thrown by VOLPAC, Frist's political action committee -- features a cowboy whose pants the recipient must unbuckle in order to see inside. Moreover, the reverse of the invite reportedly shows a red flowered handkerchief in the cowboy's right pocket, which, for those who don't know gay hanky sex code...well, let's just say Frist apparently wants to make a FISTful of dollars.

Though personally we think it's a fisting fitting sentiment for the Senator to convey, as the action being suggested by the red hanky certainly gives symbolic foresight into what a Fist Frist presidency might do to the hole whole of the gay community.

Frist's Southern Hospitality [WaPo]

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