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4x6 inches of foolishness to annoy America's postal carriers
The action-packed kinsfolk focusers at Focus on the Family Action have announced that they're launching a campaign of support for a so-called "Marriage Protection Amendment," wherein they and their "pro-family" cronies will attempt to send 1 million marriage ban-encouraging postcards to the U.S. Senate.
Reminding us that in this post-Card era...
...we gays and and our allies are still combatting numerous threats to our existences. Thinking of...
...Bolten? Well, we say to sit tight, folks. After all, once we get out of the...
...Bush, we could always come to a world where sentiment towards gays is like a precious metal. We're thinking maybe a...
As for better ways Focus on the Family Action could spend the money they'll be exerting on this little mail-based campaign -- well, we do have our eye on this really expensive waffle iron at Williams-Sonoma that would make a perfect gift for our forthcoming gay wedding. Think it over, FOFA!
Focus Action Launches Marriage Amendment Postcard Campaign [FOFA]
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