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4x6 inches of foolishness to annoy America's postal carriers

by Jeremy Hooper

The action-packed kinsfolk focusers at Focus on the Family Action have announced that they're launching a campaign of support for a so-called "Marriage Protection Amendment," wherein they and their "pro-family" cronies will attempt to send 1 million marriage ban-encouraging postcards to the U.S. Senate.

Reminding us that in this post-Card era...

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...we gays and and our allies are still combatting numerous threats to our existences. Thinking of...

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...Bolten? Well, we say to sit tight, folks. After all, once we get out of the...

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...Bush, we could always come to a world where sentiment towards gays is like a precious metal. We're thinking maybe a...

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As for better ways Focus on the Family Action could spend the money they'll be exerting on this little mail-based campaign -- well, we do have our eye on this really expensive waffle iron at Williams-Sonoma that would make a perfect gift for our forthcoming gay wedding. Think it over, FOFA!

Focus Action Launches Marriage Amendment Postcard Campaign [FOFA]

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