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AFA faults Ford for advertising with 'Out'; we lambast AFA for their scruples = without

by Jeremy Hooper

The Ford boycottin' folks at the American Family Association are all steamed up at the motor company once again, this time because of their decision to advertise all eight of their brands in the May issue of Out magazine. And in case you weren't aware, advertising in a gay mag now automatically puts a big ol' target on the backs of America's companies. A business so much as thinks about targeting the gay spending dollar, and the "everyone should believe like we believe" contingent will be demonizing them faster than you can say, "Funny, I don't remember moving to Salem circa 1692." It's. Disturbing.

This is the ad...

 Images Out02
(Click for larger)

...of which the AFA's Don Wildmon says in an email to followers, "Notice the wording at the bottom of the ad: 'Standing strong with America's families...' Since this ad was run in a homosexual publication, evidently Ford considers two homosexuals to be a "family."

And seriously, can you believe Ford's nerve?! Next the AFA's gonna tell us the automaker considers gays to be "human" and their considerable share of the market "acceptable to be targeted by advertising." Where will it end -- full equality? Acceptance? No more childhood "smear the queer" matches? Where would we be then? Honestly, Ford!

We'll have to wait and see for what gay-friendly practice the AFA will criticize Ford next; we do, however, hear they're a little pissed that the companies newest models don't require one to quote "The Lord's Prayer" before the ignition will engage.

Ford Makes Historic Move In Support of Groups Pushing Homosexual Marriage [AFA Action Alert Email]

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