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Governor's commission restrained by its should-be leader
Two days before the commission's annual Youth Pride parade, Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (pic.) on Thursday either (a) considered abolishing the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, or (b) actually did issue an executive order revoking the commission in order to create a new, non-gay-specific body. The details differ depending on which side tells the story. However, it is known that Romney ultimately did not put the kibosh on the commission, though whether this is because (a) he simply thought doing so was "too harsh" or (b) because he was pressured by outraged gay activists and lawmakers, is another point on which the stories differ.
(g), folks -- get your stories straight/gay.
Both sides do seem to agree, however, that the Governor's office did direct the youth commission to refocus resources on such issues as violence and suicide prevention, rather than celebrations like this Saturday's parade (which commission backers tell the Boston Globe is actually paid for with private money). We simply don't understand why the young gays can't (a) have their cake and (b) not have it thrown in their faces, too.
Romney to limit gay panel activities [Boston Globe]
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