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Mrs. Bush: Stop politicizing gay marriage...ya know, like my husband and his friends did/do/will

by Jeremy Hooper

   In a taped interview that aired on yesterday's Fox News Sunday program, first lady Laura Bush said of a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage:

"Well, I don't think it should be used as a campaign tool, obviously. But I do think it's something that people in the United States want to debate. And it requires a lot of sensitivity to talk about the issue, a lot of sensitivity.

People, I have found, over the country don't want the governor of Massachusetts or the mayor of San Francisco to make the choice for them — the courts of Massachusetts, I should say. So I think it deserves debate. I think it's something that people want to talk about.

Unless, of course, the "people" in question are gay folks in love; in that case, the "talking" part is a verbal bridge we've long crossed. In fact, our side of the conversation basically ends at "Yea, hey there majority -- uhm, we're humans and we deserve equality, so please help us right the wrong we've all accepted for far too long, so that us gays can hitch it like you 'rosexuals." Without the opposition's "Yea, no -- we don't think so," there would be no "debate." And just like with every other rights fight that's preceded it, the pro/anti viewpoints are not equal in terms of humanity. So rather than calling on "sensitivity" in this "debate," it would seem more sensible for Mrs. Bush to ask those within her legally wedded husband's administration and political pocket to question their consciences before seeking to rob millions of a basic right.

Though we do thank the first lady for advising candidates to refrain from "protect marriage"-style diatribes in their stumping endeavors. "I don't think it should be used as a campaign tool" is a sentiment that might've even come out of your humble scribe's own mouth, though it's likely the unfair attacks from the candidate in question would've led him to humorously insert a comma between "campaign" and "tool."

Transcript: First Lady Laura Bush on 'FNS' [Fox News Transcript]
Laura Bush opposes political use of gay-marriage amendment [AP via Star-Telegram]

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