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PFLAG goin' postal on marriage amendment

by Jeremy Hooper

   Every yin has a yang, so why should gay marriage-related postcard campaigns be any exception?

Earlier today we told you about Focus on the Family Action's initiative to send one million postcards to U.S. Senators, wherein they would encourage the lawmakers to vote in favor of the so-called "Marriage Protection Amendment." Well, happily it has come to our attention that the pro-gay cool kids at PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) are countering the aforementioned anti-gay campaign with their own 4X6 card stock-based effort, providing handy anti-marriage amendment postcards on their website for folks to print out and mail to Washington.

Could it be any easier? Okay, yea smart ass -- there could be some sort of email system that just asked you to enter your name and whatnot. Or yes, there could be some sort of voicemail that you could just call and press a few buttons to register your position. And yes, everyone could just look around them, take in all that they see and know about the world and wise up to the fact that we shouldn't prevent loving couples from legally sealing their love, therefore rendering all debate on this issue moot. And okay, you cheap bastard -- it would be easier on your frugal behind if they provided you with a postage paid postcard for you just to sign and send in. All are technically correct, but God you're annoying, imaginary person who we sometimes utilize to make points.

The PFLAG cards come in two types, one for Mother's Day and one for Father's Day. Both are available for download here, though you're own your own when it comes to stamps, mailboxes, and initiative.

Take Action with PFLAG [PFLAG]

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