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Supremes won't hear gay parenting case; but will they smell it?
The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear a case in which a Washington state lesbian is seeking "de facto parenting" rights to the daughter that she and her former partner (the child's biological mother) raised together for the first seven years of the kid's life. The Supremes didn't comment on their reasons for not hearing the case; we, however, suspect the last season of the "L Word" simply left them too vulnerable to hear any more lesbian drama at this time. We all know how into the whole Lara/Alice plotline Justice Scalia was!
To the chagrin of the biological mother (Page Britain), Washington state's Supreme Court ruled in favor of the "de facto" parent (Sue Ellen Carvin) last November. Carvin must now prove that she fits the "de facto" role as it was defined by the state. However, we think she might be a little confused:
Supreme Court won't consider gay parents rights [AP via KGW.com]
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