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Those who sling bald-faced homophobia warn of bold-faced homo victories
A recent email from our ol' two step partners at the American Family Association:
So how would your humble scribe "like to wake up one morning and learn that the above headline was the top story in every newspaper in America?" Simple -- by saying, "come on love of my life, let's go celebrate the fact that a widely accepted wrong has been righted and go get ourselves hitched. I'd feared that the fear-mongering tactics of groups like the AFA would keep our marriages illegal for a few more years, but it seems people have caught on to their wily tactics and started viewing them as the misguided notions that they truly are. So, soul mate of my mine, let's go do as our hetero counterparts have been doing for years, and legally seal this thing."
Then, of course, we'd go join the rest of our fellow homosexuals in doing as our "homosexual agenda" tells us, and begin the process of destroying society's moral fabric. But the question wasn't about our afternoon plans, just how we'd wake up.
Be sure to keep an eye out for future AFA "Action Alert" emails, where we hear they'll warn their followers of another possible headline that simply reads, "Something progressive happens; society no longer as unbalanced."
Activist Judge Overturns Marriage Laws; Homosexual Marriage Now Legal In All 50 States [AFA Action Alert]
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