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TVC still bitching about GLAAD PSA
Since their attempt to go on CBS airwaves and counter a GLAAD PSA with their own anti-gay rhetoric seems to have proven unsuccessful, the "pro-family" folks at the Traditional Values Coalition are now urging local affiliates to abstain from airing the gay-friendly message. Of the public service announcement (scheduled to air next Tuesday during "As The World Turns"), TVC's Andrea Lafferty says, in part:
"GLAAD is using free advertising to push a message about homosexuality that is not true, said Lafferty. The homosexual condition is not in-born or unchangeable. Thousands of ex-homosexuals can attest to this fact and their testimonies are well documented by Exodus International."
Never mind the MILLIONS of homosexuals and other rational beings who know the concept of changing from gay to straight is more absurd than even the most ludicrous of soap opera plot lines. Forget about the fact that you and everyone you know are unlikely to have ever met an actual "ex-gay." Ignore that such encouragement of sexuality morphing is discredited and shunned by every major medical and mental health organization in the nation. Don't listen to the countless number of "ex-ex-gays" who've left the program and proceeded to discredit the entire process. Ms. Lafferty, backed by junk science, says the notion is possible; why would she be untruthful? She and her conservative cronies couldn't simply be pushing this tactic as a way to justify their anti-homosexuality stance and not look hate-filled, could they?
Well, we'll let you decide that for yourself. Personally, however -- we see BS.
It remains to be seen if any of the affiliates will pull the PSA; it is, however, almost a certainty that Ms. Lafferty and friends will continue to pull these convenient theories out of their asses for many years to come.
TVC Urges CBS Affiliates Not To Run GLAAD PSAs [TVC]
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