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When picking a team becomes hard: ACLU challenges Westboro-targeting law
The free speech & gay rights defenders at the ACLU have filed a federal lawsuit challenging a recently signed Kentucky law that prevents protests at memorial services, wakes, and burials. But while the law was obviously designed to thwart Westboro Baptist's "fag-hating" pickets of soldier funerals...
...the lawsuit was filed on behalf of Kentucky's Bart McQueary, a Kentucky man who's joined in on some of Westboro's protests.
Because, of course, Barry McHamosexual, John Faggart, or Sally Lesbeany wouldn't be an ironic enough gift from the comedy Gods. We are instead blessed with Bart McQueary, a name funny for a gay rights foe because, of course, of the fact that "Bart" has the word "art" in it, and gays oftentimes enjoy the arts. Obviously.
In their suit, the ACLU is arguing that portions of the law are too broad and that it could be unintentionally violated by various well-intentioned people.
In our suit, we tend to argue that we'd rather be in our pajamas, as the pants/jacket/shirt/tie combo is far too constraining.
ACLU Challenges Ky. Funeral Protest Law [AP via Wash Post]
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