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Bored with merely criticizing U.S. gays, 'Concerned Woman' takes concerns abroad

by Jeremy Hooper

Responding to this week's failure of the so-called Marriage Protection Amendment, the Concerned Women For America's Robert Knight has the following to say:

"The crudest and dumbest point made by a liberal opposing a federal marriage amendment was the comment by Sen. Ted Kennedy [D-Massachusetts], who said that support for such an amendment was "a vote for bigotry, pure and simple,"..."Another point made by liberals opposing a federal marriage amendment is that 'we have more important things to do.' Really? There's nothing more important than protecting marriage and families, because without them, the United States faces a bleak future in which government is 'Daddy and Mommy' and the state keeps growing to pick up the pieces of the shattered social order. Marriage-phobic Europe is fast committing social suicide, but we don't have to let liberals take the United States down that path"

To which the whole of Europe responded, "Wait a minute -- You're a man who speaks for an organization whose name implies its solely for women, yet you staunchly speak out against gender confusion in others? That's pretty funny, mate. Oh, and HOW DARE YOU SAY WE'RE COMMITTING SOCIAL SUICIDE and that we're MARRIAGE-PHOBIC?!?! If you'd be a dear and keep your sentiment of unkind confined to your own deeply polarized nation, that'd be great. Cheers."

Or maybe it was just us who said that, but we're sure the whole of Europe is thinking it.

No word if Knight will be accusing any of the world's other continents of societal self-murder today; we promise to keep you posted.

CWA: America Needs a One-Man, One-Woman, One-Line Marriage Amendment [CWFA]

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