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Bauer jumps on the 'How dare you, Kennedy?' bandwagon
Of Sen Ted Kennedy's recent comments that a vote for a federal marriage amendment is a "vote for bigotry, pure and simple" Agape Press cites Gary Bauer (pic.) of the Campaign for Working Families as saying:
By denouncing support for the MPA as bigotry, Bauer says Kennedy -- who is a Catholic -- has now called the Pope and the Catholic bishops bigots, in effect, along with two thirds of the American people. He points out that the average approval rating in state marriage amendment votes has been 70 percent in favor of protecting the traditional definition of marriage.
With his recent comments on the national marriage debate, Senator Kennedy "has just smeared the overwhelming majority of the American people, the leadership of the church he is a member of, and the leadership of virtually every other religion on the face of the globe," the Campaign for Working Families spokesman says. "If that is the position the Democratic Party wants to defend in the years ahead," he adds, "I wish them luck."
And once again, we must say: He didn't call ANYONE bigots and he didn't call man/woman marriage bigotry! He said voting to ban gays and lesbian from marriage is a vote for bigotry. As we said in our responses to Jan LaRue and Robert Knight on this very topic, this IS NOT the same thing. If you want to know more on WHY this is not the same thing, then read either of those lengthy responses, as we have not the energy to once again explain how "this concept is bigotry" and "you are a bigot" are actually different sentiments entirely.
What we will speak to, however, is the smug way he and his cronies cite majorities, as if having a plurality of opinion is EVER an acceptable way to validate a position. It's just such a pusillanimous testament to one's belief in their own argument to hide behind the skirt of majority approval. Just like your humble scribe's muscly calves reject the "skinny jeans" trend that's all the rage with the gays, his IQ-tested brain and emotional heart spurn prejudice and inequality with unquestionable fervor.
Now sure, we have to go along with "greater number wins" think in terms of governance and elections, as it is one of the foundations of democracy (though not at the expense of minority rights and liberties, which the Constitution's framers were very cognizant of protecting). But we will NEVER just accept a concept because a number greater than 50% told us it was the kosher line of thinking. Oh wow, the majority of folks aren't rallying behind a minority; gee, that's never happened before. We much prefer to follow the drummer marching towards our Utopian-like vision of peace, rather than jump on the bandwagon that's barreling full-speed towards Inequality Junction.
Moving on, the Agape article goes on to say:
Bauer says Kennedy and other Democrats who oppose a constitutional amendment to protect traditional marriage are "going to have a hard time convincing U.S. voters that all the laws on the books in our country that say that marriage is between a man and a woman are evidence of bigotry." That position, the conservative activist contends, is going to be a tough one to sell to America.
But see, herein lies the problem (for you), Mr. Bauer. Folks who oppose the amendment are not going to use your duplicitous terminology of "protect traditional marriage" or try and convince people that current man/woman law is "bigotry," for both of these points are BULLSHIT! What we will do is refer to current law as desperately in need of being changed, and encourage citizens to oppose the GAY MARRIAGE BAN. Because that's what it is, Mr. Bauer -- a marriage ban. Wrap it up in whatever deceptive packaging you want -- at the end of the day in the course of history's remembrance, it's going to be known by those who live on a plane of reality as a MARRIAGE BAN!
It's actually quite ironic that you would frame this issue as if it's one Democrats are going to have to "sell to America," considering you guys work day and night to sell the populus your "protect marriage" bill of goods. It is this fallacy dissemination that makes non-bigots support BIGOTRY! So what we on the side of equality must do is point out the fine print and stipulations in your own "sale," before the return policy on the gay antipathy that the majority has bought into expires, and our country is left with a historical black mark that it hates wearing because it makes its ass look discriminatory. Then we can get all of the gays out of the closet and store that out-of-fashion bias in their out-of-sight place, the locale where such sentiment truly belongs.
We don't know if you're a bigot, Mr. Bauer, and frankly we couldn't care less. At the end of the day, you're the only one who has to look in the mirror and ask yourself that question. We do, however, know that this measure is "bigotry," and that Mr. Kennedy was in the right to make such an assertion. Perhaps if you guys would look at the gay-banning measure for what is is rather than just unquestionably buying into your own press and "protect marriage" message, you'd realize how "pure and simple" it is for gays, allies, Mr. Kennedy, and Father Time to see this.
Efforts to Block State Marriage Measures Could Keep MPA Alive [Agape]
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