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'Concerned Intern' jumps on gay rights-blaming bandwagon

by Jeremy Hooper

Despite having not one ounce of evidence to support their claim and a MOUND of attestation to the contrary, yet another "pro-family" group is claiming that young Jacob Parker was recently attacked on his school playground because of his father's public opposition to gay rights. Today, the Concerned Women For America's "Concerned Intern," Sarah Kuziomko, goes so far as to call the May 17 incident a "mugging," and paints the matter as if the only logical explanation for a six-year old getting in a scuffle would be political in nature.

Because seriously -- when are first graders NOT discussing the "culture war?

But what Sarah has overlooked is the fact that the superintendent of the school district has already come out and said the incident involved a disagreement over a cafeteria seat, not the senior Parker's public stand against gay rights, and that the junior Parker and his primary attacker have since had a play date. But ya know, such facts totally get in the way of political opportunism. What good is quoting the Superintendent who investigated the incident when you can just make sh*t up?

You're quickly learning the "pro-family" ropes, "Concerned Intern;" here's just hoping that you'll soon learn that those ropes are knot not always the most truthful.

Seven-year-old Son of Massachusetts Pro-family Activist Attacked [CWA]

EARLIER: Oh, and pro-gays are also not responsible for any 'cooties' he may acquire [G-A-Y]

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