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Current seeking tolerance-lovin' auteurs; if your response to the word 'auteur' is 'F*** the French,' this may not be the contest for you
The Current cable network is hosting a contest in which they're asking viewers 18 and older to create a video (up to 10 minutes long) on the theme of tolerance. The grand prize winner will receive a whopping 100,000 smackers for themselves and $15,000 for a charity of their choice, with two runner-ups each receiving $10,000 to do with as they please.
Unlikely to make the cut? This recent contribution to the pantheon of videotaped sentiments:
For those who aren't the leader of the free world encouraging an environment in which gay couples are kept on unequal footing, Current will begin accepting submission tomorrow. So grab your cams, aspiring Michael Moores; the revolution will be televised, and it could make you 6 G's!
Seeds of Tolerance [Current]
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