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Even if you get married we're gonna destroy it, so 'ha ha, in your face, nanny, nanny, boo, boo'

by Jeremy Hooper

Some Opponents of gay marriage are indicating that if another state follows in Massachusetts' footsteps and legalizes same-sex marriage (as courts in Washington state, New Jersey, and New York could very well do any day now), they actually think it could be beneficial to their cause. The implication is, of course, that it would enrage conservative constituents and prompt them to lash out out against gay marriage in greater numbers than before and have the marriage overturned.

Which begs the question: "Would we get to keep the gifts?"

The sentiment also begs the statement: "If gay folks get married and society doesn't come to the crushing halt that you've all predicted -- you know, like has been the case in Massachusetts for the past two years --then attempting to challenge the courts to have the nuptials overturned would not only be an unjust, baseless exercise, but it would also be an incredibly cruel one."

Additionally, it begs the haiku:

the marriage of gays;
societal benefit!
'mo foes, please desist.

And last but not least, the attempt to ban, prevent, and overturn our marriages begs the beg: "Yo, people -- we are good, decent beings who simply want to legally seal the deal. PLEASE STOP WAGING YOUR CAMPAIGNS OF UNKIND AGAIST US! Pretty please with acceptance on top?"

Allowing gay marriage in NJ, elsewhere, may help opponents' cause [AP via PhillyBurbs.com]

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