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'Ex-gay' asks another to nix Hitler image; he's still Stalin

by Jeremy Hooper

   Reacting to a recent blog post from DL Foster, in which the "ex-gay" proponent likened activist Wayne Besen to Hitler, the head of the "ex-gay" organization Exodus International, Alan Chambers, has sent out a mass email denouncing Foster's words. In his message, Chambers calls Foster's post "way over the top" and says he's begged him to "remove the likeness and apologize to Wayne," but that Mr. Foster refuses.

Ah, "ex-gay" strife; it hurts "ex-heals" our heart.

It remains to be seen if Foster will give in to the demands and remove the Hitler comparison and imagery (as seem above); however, we hear that through faith, prayer, and the beating of a pillow, his fellow "ex-gays" are hoping to change his "Wayne is a dictator" post to a similar entry wherein Wayne will have absolutely nothing to do with "dic." Whatever that means.

Ex-gay movement in schism over depiction of gay, Jewish activist as Hitler [P1Q]
Exodus Distances Itself From DL[WayneBesen.com]
Exodus Begins to Distance Itself from Rev. DL Foster [ExGayWatch]

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