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Eh, it all seems related: Feder hops, skips, and jumps right to PolyIncestuPedophiliBestiality

by Jeremy Hooper

   In his column criticizing this week's failed cloture vote for the so-called Marriage Protection Amendment, conservative columnist Don Feder says of the DNC chair:

Howard Dean had a new scream: "Democrats are committed to fighting this hateful, divisive amendment."

What about not allowing a brother and sister to marry, or a man to marry four women, or a teacher to marry her 13-year-old student, or a man to marry a horse -- is that hateful and divisive too, Governor?

To which we say:

You know what, Feder -- get your peeps to propose an amendment actually banning one of those things, and we're sure Dean will proffer an opinion. But until then, quit spinning this debate to address other issues that, to you and your cronies' minds, are one and the same to gay unions.

-If you guys are seriously, earnestly concerned about a dude marrying his horse, then propose the "You Can Mount a Horse, You Just Can't
MOUNT a Horse" Act. We're sure Dean will proudly say neigh nay to equine/human unions.

-Incest and polygamy -- both illegal. If one wants to have that changed, then they're gonna have to fight their own battle, the likes of which will be waged regardless of what happens with gay marriage.

-Teacher marrying her teen protegee -- also illegal. "
He gave me an apple, but I wished it were a ring" is testimony for another case. Who knows, we might very likely be on the same team in this debate, Donnie.

The I
ncest/ Pedophilia/ Bestiality/ Homosexuality/ Polygamy link you guys continually try to make is cute and all, but it's starting to sound as childish as the three underage caribou to whom we're married. Uhm...I mean...what I meant to say was...oh shit, now the secret's out. Well, just forget you heard that, would ya Don? Grr...

Feder goes on to say loads of other ridiculous things, so for those interested, the link is below. Now if you'll excuse us, we must go rally for either gay rights or man/dog sex. It's 'six of one, half a dozen of the other,' ya know?


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