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Land on Reagans: Ronnie might've said yes to FMA, but Nancy would 'just say no'
Dr. Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, says of Prez Bush's push for a federal marriage amendment:
"Has the president done as much as I would wish he has done? No. Has he done more than any other president would have done in my lifetime? Yes, he's done more," notes Land, adding that he believes President Ronald Reagan would have wanted to support the amendment, "but Nancy would have talked him out of it."
Poor Nanc''! What with her gay friends and stem cell research support; she's so the Christian conservatives' Yoko.
No word on as to why Land thinks Bush senior wouldn't have supported the marriage-banning measure; our guess: he had already given the issue to his son as a tenth birthday present. "Ooh, a divisive political football -- just what I always wanted, hehehe."
Richard Land: Expect Marriage Legislation to Eventually Pass [Agape]
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