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Michael: De-closeted life and arrests = happy and successful
The British press is quoting George Michael as saying he's been far happier since he "came out" in 1998. However, we're not so sure, as he certainly looked pretty "happy" well before that:
Michael is also quoted as saying that while he hates to admit it, his recent arrest for marijuana possession is actually good for his career. Totally explaining why his next single, "I Have A Dime Bag In My Pocket...Seriously, Search Me Right Now And You Will Find Weed On My Person. Here, look -- I'll Even Turn Out My Pockets And Show You The Bud. In Fact, If Anyone Has A Pipe I Will Fire It Up And Blow The Smoke Rings Directly In Your Face" is being rushed to rapid release.
The British press does not, however, say whether Michael would still like listeners to "Wake [Him] Up Before [They] Go-Go;" however, it's good to know that he doesn't want the press to "miss it when he hits that high."
George Michael: Glad to be gay [Life Style Extra]
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